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Ontmoet Eikenbosch Makelaars se wenspan

Ons hoogste prioriteit
is jou gemoedsrus

gevestig in stellenbosch

Die beste persoonlike versekering sedert 1997

Eikenbosch Makelaars se doel is om as deskundiges vir ons kliënte op te tree en alle funksies te verrig ten opsigte van versekering.

Ons loop nou al vir meer as 23 jaar die ekstra myl sodat ons kliënte so min as moontlik administrasie het.

Persoonlike diens verweef met passie en kennis

Die Eikenbosch-wenspan bestaan uit 5 vroue wat bekend is vir hul professionele, persoonlike, vriendelike en vinnige diens. Dit is hieraan te danke dat die maatskappy sedert 1997 elke jaar onder Hollard Insure se top 3-presteerders is en vandag steeds van krag tot krag gaan.

Alet Bester


Understand the Problem | Dubstech Protothon 2020

Helouise du Preez


Understand the Problem | Dubstech Protothon 2020

Hester van Wyk

Eise- en verhalingspesialis

Understand the Problem | Dubstech Protothon 2020

Lizel van der Merwe


Understand the Problem | Dubstech Protothon 2020

Wendy Martin

Eise- en verhalingspesialis

Understand the Problem | Dubstech Protothon 2020


"Hollard and Eikenbosch Brokers have been business partners since September 1997 and it’s an absolute joy and privilege to be associated with this Brokerage.

Eikenbosch Brokers have established themselves as a niche player in Personal Lines Insurance based in Stellenbosch and one can always be assured of their professional advice and outstanding service which remains the cornerstone of their business.

The all woman team of 5 run a professional business and have a proven track record of producing very good underwriting results for Hollard over the years.

The Hollard team always find the Eikenbosch team to be friendly, knowledgeable and helpful and we know that this carries through to their customer experience as well.

We would like to extend our thanks to Alet Bester, Helouise du Preez, Hester van Wyk, Wendy Martin and Lizel van der Merwe."

Mark Mollenaar

General Manager, Western Cape

Hollard Insure